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iWarm mouse for PC
iWarm mouse for PC
iWarm mouse for PCiWarm mouse for PCiWarm mouse for PC
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iWarm mouse for PC
品牌: iWarm mouse for PC
單價: 面議
有效期至: 長期有效
最後更新: 2015-07-20 16:07
Warm your Hands, Touch your Heart

uniboo iWarmer Mouse is a design combining the heating substance in instant heat packs and the computer mouse. The fit of ergonomic arch and the heating in the palm makes it comfortable to use; the chic shape and cute round ball leads the mismatched trend. Separable design allows the warm ball to be carried anywhere, ready to take on the cold. Easy as any mouse, just plug and use, warming your hand every second, it is sure to become a favorite.
Ergonomic Design

Ergonomic hand arc with streamlined waist allows handy usage. The round arch original design of the warm balls fits the palm perfectly, giving you warmth.
Innovative Separable Warm Ball Mouse

This original separable design of the mouse and heat ball allows the heat balls to be used with the mouse and by itself, making heat portable and ready to withstand the cold
Convenient Charging

Charges conveniently using USB line whether connecting to computers or any outlet. The mouse is the charger and makes it visually more pleasing.
Humanistic Temperature Adjusting Function

Two sections of temperature adjusting function on both left and right allows individual adjustment of temperature, making sure everything is just right.